Infant feeding

Breastfeeding friendly premises

Hull is proud to be a breastfeeding friendly city. It is important to remember that your right to breastfeed in any public place is protected by law and that most women only have positive experiences of breastfeeding out and about. However, if you would prefer to feed somewhere where you know you will be made to feel welcome, Hull has a list of venues which have signed up to be part of the Breastfeeding Friendly Scheme. 

The aims of the BfN Breastfeeding Friendly scheme are to -

  • support families to feel confident breastfeeding out and about
  • provide a way for communities and businesses to show they welcome and support breastfeeding
  • raise awareness about the benefits and barriers to breastfeeding

We are always signing up new venues, however if you are planning a trip into Hull you can view our current Breastfeeding Friendly premises on our map

When you are out and about, many premises also display a poster to state they are breastfeeding friendly.